How to keep your Cookies tasting fresh for longer

How to keep your Cookies tasting fresh for longer

Ever wondered how to keep your cookies fresher for longer?

We’ve got you covered with some handy tips to help your cookies stay fresh and even a quick trick to revive them if needed!

Store smart: Keep your cookies in a cool, dark place—direct sunlight is a no-no. If you’re storing them on the counter, make sure it’s out of the sun’s direct reach.

Cool completely: Let your cookies cool down fully before storing them to avoid condensation (because no one likes soggy cookies!).

Seal tight: An airtight container is your cookies’ best friend, keeping them fresh and stopping them from going stale.

Quick refresh: Need to bring your cookies back to life? Pop one in the microwave for 10-20 seconds to warm it up—it’ll taste like it’s fresh out of the oven (yum!).

Freeze your dough: Yes, you can freeze cookie dough! Prepare the dough as per your baking mix instructions. For choc chip cookies, roll the dough into balls. For shortbread or other varieties, roll it out and cut your shapes now or in smaller batches for easier storage. Lay the cookies on a silicone mat or baking paper on a tray, then pop them in the freezer for about 20 minutes to par-freeze (this keeps them from sticking). After that, transfer them into an airtight container or ziplock bag.

When you’re ready for a cookie, just grab one from the freezer. For choc chips, let them come to room temperature before baking. Shortbread cookies can sit for only a minute or so and go straight into the oven. This way, fresh-baked cookies are always just a few minutes away!

Layer with baking paper: When storing your cookies, place a sheet of baking paper between each layer. This prevents them from sticking together and helps maintain their texture.

Living in a super humid climate: We know some parts of Aus are so humid that it's not exactly a foods best friend. If your up the northern parts of Aus or you find your house just keeps so much moisture than you can store your baked cookies in the freezer, and let them come to room temp when you want them. You can follow our other tip and give them a little zap in the microwave to refresh. 

I hope these tips help to making your cookies last a bit longer and stay nice and fresh. 

You can check out our full cookie range here and if you need any help with your cookie baking or storage simply reach out we are always happy to help. 

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